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We are thrilled that you are interested in exploring, learning, and growing into a strong woman of God living under the influence of Christ.

How do we begin to live Under the Influence of Christ & walk like the woman God intends us to be?

“Walking” in the Bible is often a beautiful metaphor for the practical living of our day-to-day lives. Especially Christian Women, we all are on a journey and must strive towards steady progress.


As believers, we must learn to walk in the Spirit, meaning that we must strive to align our lives with the influence of Jesus Christ. The Spirit gives us life in the new birth, and we must continue living in the Spirit every day.


Walking in the Spirit is a joyful journey that leads to a life of love, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. It is a life lived in the constant presence of the Holy Spirit, who guides us towards righteousness and away from sin.


May we all strive towards walking in the Spirit every day, knowing that Jesus left His Holy Spirit with us to help us on our journey. Check out the twelve ways below for more ways you can become a woman influenced by Christ.

Peaceful & Joyful

When you follow Christ, you experience a deep understanding of peace and joy from knowing that God loves you and that you have a purpose in life (Rom 15:13).

Loving & Compassionate

Christ taught us to love our enemies and to do good to those who hate us (Matt 5:43-44). When under Christ’s influence, you naturally become more loving and compassionate towards others.

Forgiving Others

Christ forgave those who crucified him (Luke 23:34), and he taught us to forgive others as well (Eph 4:32). When you are under the influence of Christ, you find it easier to forgive those who have wronged you.


Christ humbled himself and became a servant of all (Phil 2:8). When you are under the influence of Christ, you become more humble and put the needs of others before your own.

Forgives Yourself

Christ forgave us for our sins

(1 John 1:9), and he teaches us to forgive ourselves as well (John 8:36). When you are under the influence of Christ, you find it easier to forgive yourself for your mistakes.

Hopeful & Optimistic

Christ gave us hope for the future (Jer 29:11), even during trials and suffering (James 1:2). When you are under the influence of Christ, you become more hopeful and optimistic about your life and the world around you.

Unashamed To Speaks About Christ Publicity

Christ spoke openly and boldly about the kingdom of heaven (John 7:26). When you are under the influence of Christ, you are not an undercover Christian. Instead, you are led to speak about Christ publicly and willingly (Acts 28:31).

Honest & Truthful

Christ was always honest and truthful (John 14:6-7), even when difficult. When you are under the influence of Christ, you become more honest and truthful in your own life.


Christ taught us to be grateful for all we have (1 Thess 5:18). When you are under the influence of Christ, you become more grateful for the good things in your life.

Concerned For Others

Christ taught us to love our neighbors as ourselves (Mark 12:21). When you are under Christ’s influence, you naturally become more concerned about others and less about your own needs.

Willingness To Serve

Christ came to serve, not to be served (Mark 10:45). When you are under the influence of Christ, you become more willing to serve others and to put their needs before your own.

Let Us Strive To Become the Virtuous & Consecrated Woman We Believe God Calls Us To Be?

It’s natural to struggle in our spiritual lives as a Christian woman. It can be especially challenging as we figure out what God wants from us. As each one of us navigates through this journey, we want you to know that you are not alone. We understand that it can be easy to fall short of Gods glory when we lack strong spiritual foundations, but we encourage you to stay focused on God’s plan and purpose for your life.


To help you on this path, please take comfort in the encouraging scriptures that we pulled together for you. Remember that God is with you every step of the way, and He will always guide you towards His perfect plan for your life. We hope you seek a life of “moral excellence” that is “set apart” for God as you wait for God's answers and grow into what’s beyond.


We want you to know that you are loved and cherished by God as you ponder the scriptures below daily for strength and inspiration. Our thoughts and prayers are with you every step of the way. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

What does the Bible say about virtuous and consecration?



In the Old Testament, the Hebrew word chayil can be translated as “virtuous,” and it is used to refer to strength, force, power, valor, and worthiness. In Ruth 3:11 and Proverbs 31:10, virtue is defined as conformity to a standard of right; a beneficial quality or power, commendable quality; and chastity.” The Greek word Arete (or aretai) meaning “character excellences” or “excellence in being". The New American Standard Version translates Second Peter 1:5, "in your faith supply moral excellence"; "virtue," means "moral excellence" or "moral goodness." 



In Greek, Hagiazó is the verb for consecration, which means hallow, sanctify, make holy, etc.; that is, set apart for a special purposeHagiasmos is the noun or effect of consecration; sanctification of heart and life consecration means "setting apart" a person, as well as a building or object, for God.

The Consecrated/Virtuous Christian Woman


  • She has put God first (Matthew 6:33)

  • She has placed her trust in God (Proverbs 3:5)

  • She is devoted to God and to the things of God (Proverbs 3:6)

  • She obeys God’s commands (Psalm 41:10)

  • She does not walk in fear (Matthew 6:25)

  • She is set apart (Deuteronomy 14:2)

  • She hopes in God (Romans 15:13)

  • She is a woman of prayer (1 John 5:14-15)  

  • She aims to walks in true submission and surrender to God (James 4:7)

  • She is not concern with others relationship because she serves the one who establishes relationships (Psalm 91:10)

  • She prays for God’s people (Ephesians 1:1-19)

  • She is not jealous or covetous of other women or their relationship (1 Peter 2:1-25)

  • She is not defined by the world’s view (Romans 12:2)

  • She separate herself from all that will defile her body (Romans 12:1)

  • She dresses modestly (1 Timothy 2:9-10)

  • She is holy in her conduct (1 Peter 1:16 and Galatians 2:20)

  • She loves to serve others (Hebrews 6:10)

  • She makes no provision for her flesh (Romans 13:14)

  • She does not contend with her sisters (Colossians 3:10)

  • She will not be yoked with an unbelieving man (2 Corinthians 6:14-18)


(we will add more to this list as we explore and grow through this process)

"I believe that the number one ailment that the Body of Christ suffers today is our failure to be consecrated. Any Christian who are not consecrated to the Lord, will accomplish extremely little or nothing for Heaven. They have tried to fulfill themselves outside God but it will never work. “We will never be happy until we make God the source of our fulfillment and the answer to our longings. He is the only one who should have power over our souls” – Stormie Omartian

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